Once again we are back to talk about e-publsihing. I want to Thank you for joining me for week three of my five week blog series.
Last time we left off at getting contracts on four books-
By the time I contracted my first four books I was proud and very happy to find a home with Total-E-Bound. Now a year later that has not changed. Throughout the last year I have heard several publishers who their authors are not happy with. It looks like I found a home right where I needed to be.
At the time I started to get a little more knowledge about being published a lot was going on in my life. Abby was starting school, Hubby was past second back surgery and still not recovering, and I started a new job. (The job that I currently hold.) Now I am lucky on the job front. I have a good job, I enjoy working in the accounting department, like the people I work with. It is an 8-5 job were I am busy all day (more than busy actually.)
So now that I am happy at work and hubby is home to take care of my little one we get into a routine.
Now I prefer to write at night. Friday and Saturday nights are the best work I get done. I follow a basic rule. Write. Everyday, write.
A lot of aspiring authors have said they don't have time to write. Well I say make time. It's about what you want.
I still have a full time job and a full time family. Sometimes I have to give up going out to dinner or the movies. But everytime I get done with a manuscript it feels wonderful... and that is worth it.
Hubby and I also have a system. My computer is right next to him with he TV between us. So I can write on a Friday night during the night and into the early morning and he is there with me. I've learned to ignore the TV and three dogs and it works for us.
I also get my daughter involved. Everytime your name goes into a hat- Abby picks the winner. Names of contest? Yep, there she is again. It will be a long long time before she would be able to read any of my books, if ever, so I get her involved in other ways.
She wanted the dogs involved so in Magical Menage I put in my two black labs Taz and Belle. She wanted her name used. So in the fourth book in the were chronicles- there is an Abigail.
Now onto contracts. All contracts should be easy to read and understand.
Tip # 4-
As you get your first contracts Don't be afraid to ask questions!
Now is the time. Your new to publishing and your editor and publisher knows this. They will be more patient (or they should be) take advantage and get your questions answered. If I'd never inquired about Seduced by the Neighbour it might have never been published.
Take your time. Listen to what your editor says. You don't always have to change to what they are suggesting but listen. It might make your work even better.
I'm happy to report that now with eleven publsihed works I have gotten soooooooo much better. I have less edits each time. This is a goal for me. To improve with each manuscript. As I strive to make each book better than the last this isn't always easy. Luckily I have a wonderful editor who gives me all the time I need.
Tip #5- Connect with your editor.
My editor is on yahoo messanger with me. We are able to message back and forth and discuss what is going on with my books. Having the support she offers means everything to me.
Research- a lot goes into getting publsihed. It is important to know what you want. If you want a fictional world create one that others will love. If you are being more realistic- prove it. Write what you know. Read and research what you don't.
Part of my royalties each month go to research. Yes, that's my excise to spend money on books. And hubby lets me! Lol!
What do you like to read? Why? Remember the people that are reading the books you are will probably read yours. You can pick up a lot from a book. Esp a book from the publishing company you want to be published with.
Look at the genres they publish. Will your book fit in. Are they trying for a new direction? You don't want to get stuck with someone who will be moving to only wrotic books if you write sweet romance. Pay attention to the updates on there sites.
Next week we will dive into the world of reviews and promotion. And I have a lot to say about both! So I hope you will come back for the last two weeks. And march's Guest Authors will be here soon. Don't forget each comment posted to the blog series will be entered into a contest for a free book!
Thanks for stopping by!
Crissy Smith
Very informative post. I always marvel at people who seem to be able to multi-task so well. Glad that your husband supports your passion to write.
I am thrilled for you that your husband supports you so well. Love your books. Writing is a more than full time job.
On your choice of e publishers have you had any reader bring up the issue of TEB being a foriegn pub thus additional fees when books are published? I love your books but wish I didn't have the additional fee.
Hotcha- I'm still a reader so it's the best of both worlds.
Maria- Yep, he actually tells more people about my books then I do. I'm still shy, Lol!
Susilien- Yep, funny thing he has on;y ever read one and that was way before I was published!
I was not aware there were addition fees with TEB. I buy from them and live in the US but I use Paypal.
Crissy even with paypal there is an extra charge added to my credit card since TEB is based in England. I just noticed this in the last 6 months.
I am actually checking into this. To see if there is a way to take care of any extra fees. I have sent some inquires and hope you hear about this soon so I can pass it on. Like I said I have never seen any extra fees so Thank you for bringing this to my sttention.
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