Saturday, April 20, 2013

My new Book Review Blog

                              My New Book Review Blog- One reader to another

This is a new page where I can post all of my reviews for books that I enjoy or have enjoyed.

I used to post reviews on my author blog but decided to keep my writing and my love for reading separate.

So here I will give you my honest review on books in my read and to be read pile. I will try to connect you with books I think you will enjoy.

Keep in mine- as an author myself I will not write reviews that will trash another author or book. I don't think that helps anyone. Putting months a years into a book is hard. I will however tell you if I did not enjoy a book but never will I bad mouth it.

I am interested in your own thoughts. Please feel free to let me know if you have enjoyed a book, suggest a book to others, and start discussions. You never know where you might find that next favorite book.

A little about me:

I am a thirty-four mother of one. I am happily married and other than my daughter we have three Labrador retrievers that we consider our children. You will get to meet Taz, Belle, and Scrappy as we continue our journey.

I am also an author of paranormal and romance books. I have eighteen books currently released with two more being released in May 2013. My series The Were Chronicles has hit the best seller lists at Total-E-Bound, all romance ebooks, and amazon.
So stay tuned and head over to Open a book or two Review when you have time!


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